3 Thought-Provoking Relationship Podcast Episodes That Will Challenge You

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Two people holding hands - 3 thought-provoking relationship podcasts to listen to

This post is the first in a series on relationship podcasts. To get updates when new posts are live, subscribe to my newsletter here.

The podcast episodes in this post challenge what you thought you knew about the people around you. They provide "nuggets of wisdom" that you can apply to just about any relationship you're looking to improve.

I've been surrounded by a lot of conversations about relationships lately.

From single friends lamenting the fact that they still can't find "the one", to family members sharing their spats with co-workers (which I find entertaining, since it's not happening to me)!

My husband and I have even been watching a TV show about dating and relationships (it's suuuuper cringe-worthy, but we're watching it in Spanish as a language learning tool).

I regularly listen to quite a few relationship podcasts, and I've got a list full of episodes that are great for all sorts of relationship advice and guidance.

The way I see it, any repetitive contact we have with another human can be considered a relationship. (I also listen to self-help/personal development podcasts, because there's also relationships with ourselves to consider!)

Whether you're hoping to find love, improve your relationship with your significant other, get along better with your co-workers, or fit into a new group of friends, I've got a podcast episode to recommend to you.

Instead of cramming it all into one post (and making a big ol' mess), I'll be writing a series of posts on the best podcasts about relationships.

First Up: Episodes to Challenge Your Assumptions

To get things started, I'm going big-picture. Let's assume that you've got some assumptions about the people in your life. We all do.

Unless you've talked through all the heavy stuff - and the trivial stuff - with your partner, co-worker, or best friend, you probably don't know everything about how they process their emotions, respond to criticism, or deal with stress and societal expectations.

So you make an assumption. It's based on what you do know about them, and what you've observed. But that doesn't mean it's true, and that can be harmful to a relationship.

The podcast episodes that I recommend below will help you think differently about what you know about the people in your life. With a little more perspective, you can shatter those assumptions and see things for how they really are.

Each of the episodes below is thought-provoking and has information and advice that you can apply to many - if not all - of your relationships (even the ones that don't seem to need improvement).

I hope that you listen to - and appreciate - these relationship podcasts as much as I do!

Relationship Podcasts to Help You Understand Others

By The Book Podcast - Relationship podcast recommendations on PodcastManiac.com

By The Book Podcast - Episode 33: The Five Love Languages

I didn't know a THING about the five love languages until this podcast episode. Now, it's one of two episodes I'm recommending about "the languages"!

This episode of By The Book (a comedy/self-help podcast in which the two hosts read and live by a self-help book in every episode), introduces you to the the book The Five Love Languages, which was published over 20 years ago.

As each host identifies her own love language, and that of her significant other, you'll come to understand how each of us interprets words and actions differently.

It can be harmful to assume that we all give and receive love the same way.

I was surprised by what I realized about myself while listening to this episode. It also helped me identify my husband's love language, and I'm much more purposeful with showing him love in his language, instead of mine.

Listen to Episode 33 The Five Love Languages

RISE Together Podcast - Relationship Podcast Recommendations by Podcast Maniac

RISE Together Podcast - Episode 29: The Five Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman

This second episode about the five love languages is an interview with the actual author of the book.

In the RISE Together podcast, co-hosts and married couple Rachel and Dave Hollis speak to Dr. Gary Chapman about what caused him to create the five love languages, and how he recommends that people use the information.

This episode was super interesting to me for a couple of reasons:

First, it pushed me go beyond the love languages of just me and my husband, and identify the languages of my parents and siblings.

I immediately began understanding the wants and needs of my family from a different perspective. I guess I just assumed that we all had the same love language, since we spent our whole lives together!

Second, Dr. Chapman speaks to how parents can (and should) learn the love language of each of their children. This was mind-blowing to the podcast hosts, and me, too. (Dr. Chapman wrote a whole other book on this, Five Love Languages of Children).

I highly recommend this episode of RISE Together; it's kind of a game-changer in how to connect with the people around you.

Listen to Episode 29: The Five Love Languages with Dr. Gary Chapman

22 True Crime​ Podcasts ​You've Got to Check Out

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I Love You, But I Hate Your Politics podcast - Relationship Podcast Episodes on PodcastManiac.com

I Love You, But I Hate Your Politics - Episode 1: John & Margaret

Yup, we're going there. This is obviously a timely and controversial theme, but it's not as if it's a new one. People have been avoiding the topics of politics and religion for millennia. It seems like a good way to keep your friends.

But tip-toeing around feelings and beliefs isn't healthy in any relationship, and can lead to some pretty strong (and sometimes wrong) assumptions about other people.

In the first episode of this podcast, you'll hear how a real life married couple (TV political personalities, no less) overcome their strong political differences and maintain a happy, healthy relationship.

I recommend that you listen to this episode with an open mind, and think about how you can apply the attitudes of John and Margaret to the friends and family you disagree with.

Listen to Episode 1: John & Margaret

Buy the new I Love You, But I Hate Your Politics book!

This is just the tip of the iceberg! I'll be publishing new posts about relationship podcasts (including some on dating and marriage) over the next few months. Be sure to visit this page again soon, or follow me on Facebook for updates.

Be sure to also check out my post on the 3 Best Advice Podcasts for Real-Life Problems.

Your Turn to Recommend!

What are your go-to relationship podcasts to listen to? Drop a comment below to share with the rest of us!

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