Must-Haves for a Successful Podcast

Podcasting eBook

Before you publish another podcast episode, you’ll want to read this ebook!

Before you publish another podcast episode, you’ll want to read this ebook!

STOP wasting time on promotion & social groups.

START focusing on the real ways listeners find & choose podcasts.

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The Keys to Podcasting Success

It’s HARD to stand out among all the other podcasts out there.

With new shows launching every day, you have to be more than entertaining, an expert on your podcast topic, and popular on social media.

You need to be strategic and thoughtful about the most basic elements of your podcast.

In this book, you’ll learn how thinking carefully about your podcast basics (the name, the description, the episode titles, and more) can help your show be FOUND by your ideal listener.

Next, you’ll learn how to HOOK the listener, and finally, how to KEEP them (aka, turn them into a subscriber).

Last, but not least, you’ll identify the things you shouldn’t focus on or worry too much about (these are the same things many podcasters waste time doing).


Who Should Read This Book

Brand New Podcasters
If you’re just starting out and planning your podcast—but haven’t launched yet—the information in this book will teach you how to start out on the right foot and avoid the common pitfalls many new podcasters make.

Newly Established Podcasters
If you already launched a show but you aren’t getting the downloads and listens you want, this book can help you evaluate and update your existing episodes, plus focus on the right elements for all new episodes.

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What’s Inside

The Must-Haves for a Successful Podcast ebook includes:
  • 30+ pages of explanation & advice you can apply to your podcast right away
  • Examples of how to write discoverable podcast descriptions, episode titles, and episode descriptions
  • Screenshots of podcasts that are doing it well, so you can emulate how they do it
  • A list of things NOT to waste your time on (the things that don’t actually help you get downloads!)

BONUS: Episode Planning Guide for All Podcast Genres

As a bonus, when you buy the ebook, I’ll send you my guide to planning episodes, no matter what your podcast is about.

I can’t tell you how many times I see podcasters post online that they need help coming up with episode ideas. This episode planning guide will give you everything you need to keep your podcasting calendar full and interesting (for both you and your listeners!).

When you buy the Must-Haves for a Successful Podcast eBook for $2.99, you’ll also receive $20 off of a private podcast review & consultation!

Why You Need This Book

If you’re a podcaster who has recently dropped your show link into a Facebook group (hoping that a bunch of group members will click & go listen to your show), YOU NEED THIS BOOK.

Dropping a link in comments and crossing your fingers is NOT a strategy. Instead, it says that you’re willing to settle for just any Facebook rando to listen to your podcast. That’s NOT the path to podcasting success.

If you feel like you’ve tried every way of promoting on social media, and you’re ready to throw in the towel on this whole podcasting project, it’s time to get back to basics to give your podcast the fighting chance it deserves.

Imagine If Your Podcast Could:

  • Attract listeners without you having to spend all day on social media
  • Engage listeners and get them to become subscribers
  • Achieve downloads and listens that will help you score paid advertisers/sponsors

Good news:

All that is totally possible! The Must-Haves eBook can teach you how to make it happen.

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Only $2.99

Podcast Maniac

More About the Maniac

I’m Nicole (aka, the Podcast Maniac). I’ve been listening to podcasts since 2013, and started writing about them in 2017.

I have a B.A. in Business Communications, a certificate in Internet Marketing, and have worked in Marketing for years.

I’ve got a talent for identifying the simple fixes that can lead to success, and I want to help you and your podcast.

If you have any questions about purchasing the Must-Haves for a Successful Podcast ebook, email me at

Articles & Guides for Podcast Hosts